Meteor Shower
July 5
Who's checking in
A passel of astronomers are here to watch a once-every-70-years
meteor shower. They are joined by a fading rock star and his gorgeous girlfriend, a group of hot triathletes and Morgan Holt
– Nicole's fiancé.
Gabriel spends the morning before work practicing his surfing, being
towed out to the big waves by Frankie on a rented WaveRunner. Gabriel is so distracted by dreams of his pro surfing career
that he neglects to secure the WaveRunner to the trailer. It gets trashed. Kirk, an island tough guy who likes to think of
himself as king of the surfers, says Gabriel has to get him the money to repair it by the end of the day, or his thugs will
make sure he can't surf anywhere. Kirk and Frankie go way back, so Frankie manages to get an extra day for Gabriel to pay.
But Gabriel doesn't have the $2,000 Kirk demands.
The astronomers are early, and one of the rooms they need is still
occupied. Nicole frees up a room by moving her fiancé in with her. Jason isn't happy, and marks his territory by kissing Nicole.
She's flustered, and tells him it never happened. The astronomers are frustrated because it looks like the skies will be cloudy
for the meteor shower. Vincent tells Tessa to do whatever she has to to keep the astronomers happy.
Meet Morgan
Jason schmoozes a friendly guest, thinking he's a triathlete. He
talks some smack about how he dated Nicole, only to find that the guest is Morgan. Tragically, Morgan is actually a really
nice guy, and Jason likes him. Nicole isn't pleased. Morgan and Nicole go house-hunting. Jason isn't pleased. Later that evening,
Jason spots Morgan at the regular hangout with another woman. Morgan claims it's the real estate agent, but he admits he's
having second thoughts about settling down.
Rock star Damian Pruitt is looking for the sort of thrills you
can't get in the standard package tour. He tries to get Gabriel or Frankie to take him surfing on a dangerous beach, but the
boys say they could lose their jobs. Gabriel tries to escape the oppressive knowledge of the money he owes by surfing, but
he's driven off the beach by surf goons. Jason is pissed at him for ducking out of work. Finally, Gabriel offers to take Damian
and his girlfriend on a wild ride on an inflatable beach toy – when towed into rough surf, it becomes "a trampoline
on steroids" -- for $2,000. They go, but Damian is injured. Damian's girlfriend refuses to pay.
Date, interrupted
MJ has a date with Chris. Tessa warns her to be careful –
someone as hot as Chris is bound to be trouble. MJ doesn't get the chance to find out what sort of trouble, as her mother
interrupts and attacks Chris on the environmental damage businesses like his cause. Chris flees. MJ is furious. Later, Chris
seems distant, and MJ is convinced he's been scared off for good.
Guest services
The Astronomer King threatens to move his hundred or so subjects
to another island, where the weather will hopefully be clear. Tessa offers to comp all their rooms if the skies aren't clear
for the shower. Vincent is livid when he finds out – if he eats the cost of those rooms, Tessa loses her job. And why
didn't she consult with Nicole? Although Tessa made the offer without consulting Nicole, she claims Nicole was too busy with
Morgan and therefore out of reach.
Vincent chews Nicole out for not being there when Tessa needed her.
Tessa tries to look innocent. Gabriel tries to work out a payment plan with Kirk, and almost gets beat up, but Jason and Frankie
save him. Frankie smacks Kirk around – he may have made one hell of an enemy. Jason tells Gabriel to quit if he can't
focus on his job. Gabriel doesn't take it well. Nicole tells Jason she's afraid Morgan is having second thoughts. Jason gives
her a pep talk, then goes off with a comely tourist. Chris shows up and asks MJ to join him for the shower. The weather clears,
and everyone gets a great view of the meteor shower. Tessa keeps her job.